The Silent Killer - Electrical Pollution

Electrical pollution is killing us. Power lines, air wave communication, fluorescent lights, computers – even hair dryers – are affecting our health and energy. The potentially harmful electromagnetic field caused by electricity interferes with our own energy field and nervous system.
Many people feel weak, have headaches or just feel ill when they work in front of computers or under florescent lights. They may never feel as good as they would like to. It is often this electromagnetic pollution causing these feelings.
Our bodies have their own electromagnetic field much like a magnet has north and south polarities. Every cell has north and south polarity that affects all functions of the cell. Our fields should be synchronized with the natural rhythms of the earth, moon and sun.
The nervous system controls and coordinates the whole body through electromagnetic energy. What can you do about all of this electromagnetic pollution? We have created special techniques that we use to help you shield yourself against harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution.
All American Wellness
Chiropractor Lake Park
1541 Prosperity Farms Rd
Lake Park, FL 33403 - (561) 863-8779
- [email protected]
Monday - Friday:
10AM - 1PM & 2PM - 6PM